Saturday 28 October 2017

Beaded Reticule

This small tatted bag was done in Lizbeth size 10 Color 684 Leaf Green, the beads are a 3mm purple. This was a class I took at Fringe Tat days in 2016.  This is a Karey Solomon pattern and she taught the class too. I have been sorting and organizing and found this WIP, (work in progress).

As I remember, I purchased a kit with blue thread but while tatting I ran into a knot so the green was substituted.

It is a bit fiddly to work with all these beads on such a small project and the weight of the beads makes the reticule heavy.  I had no problem loading the beads on a large clover shuttle. The reticule is 3 inches at the widest part and not quite large enough for a small clover shuttle.  But if you have a barbie doll this bag is a perfect fit.


  1. Lucky Barbie! Good to have a WIP finished.

  2. Very cute, and your tatting looks wonderful!!! :)

  3. Barbie does need a new bag, and green is the in color now!

  4. That is cute. Isn't Karey just the sweetest person? And she comes up with interesting designs. I want to go to the Fringe one year. Maybe next time.

  5. Karey has a tatting workshop at Finger Lakes in the spring. You don't need a passport.


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